Cornejo Scores!


From Lou De La Rosa: As the past department chair, I am proud to share this link which promotes Contest, a new independent film about high school bullying that will have it’s world premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 5, followed by a national television debut on the Cartoon Network the following [...]

Yori @ Triton, Fri. Night


[Updated with reception picts] West Valley College art lab technician and master artist in his own right, Yori Seeger has a major solo exhibition up at the Triton Museum in Santa Clara (click here for details).  The opening reception is this Friday night, Sept. 20th. from 6 – 8pm.  See you there! From the Triton’s [...]

Jazz Concert Oct. 4th


October 4th, 2013 Jazz Concert Extravaganza! featuring the West Valley College Jazz Band, Gus Kambeitz, director Santa Teresa High School Jazz Band, Julie Bounds, director West Valley College Theater 8 pm – $10 /door

Gallery Schedule Fall 13


Opening reception: Monday, Sept. 30th. 5-7 p.m.  The Art Gallery is located on the lower level of the Student Center at West Valley College, 14000 Fruitvale Ave. Saratoga, CA. The exhibit will be open through Oct. 17th Faculty Work: 9/23 – 10/21, reception 9/30  Day of the Dead: 10/28 - 11/4 , reception TBA Photography Exhibit:  11/12 – 12/1 [...]

New Arts Faculty!


We are thrilled to introduce two new tenure-track arts faculty!  Laura Lowry in Theater Arts and Mitra Fabian in Studio Arts. Welcome!  Brief bios follow: Laura is delighted to be a part of the West Valley College theater department. She began her college teaching career as an adjunct faculty of Las Positas College.  Laura has taught [...]