Christmas Finale
Friday night the West Valley College Chamber Singers and College Chorale, accompanied by the SJSU Symphony Orchestra, delivered an absolutely masterful performance of Johann Sebastian Bach’s setting of the Magnificat. The WV singers also presented several other works including stirring renditions of Light of a Clear Blue Morning and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. But don’t take our word [...]
Pretty Young Men
(UPDATED) Last night students from Sandra Bengochea’s (MU 44) Musical Theater and Opera Scenes class gave their final performance of the semester. Anyone who was there will tell you that it was positively delightful! Here is just one of the vignettes, ”Pretty Young Men” (Lyrics: Susan Birkenhead; Music: Lucy Simon). Stay tuned for more clips… MU 44 [...]
The Recording Arts and Commercial Music programs at West Valley College offer comprehensive theoretical instruction and hands-on technical career training. Students have full access to a wide range of professional equipment. The Digital Music Center (DMC) is equipped with 30 stations, each featuring an 88-key controller keyboard and iMac running industry standard software including Logic Pro and Protools. Across the [...]
Baby Makes Three
From Online Etymology Dictionary: infant (n.) late 14c., “child during earliest period of life” (sometimes extended to age 7 and sometimes including a fetus), from L. infantem (nom. infans) “young child, babe in arms,” noun use of adjective meaning “not able to speak,” from in- ”not, opposite of” (see in- (1)) + fans, prp. of fari ”speak” (see fame). As an adjective, 1580s, from the noun. [...]
Zombie Apocalypse?
The flesh-hungry undead have been a fixture of world mythology dating at least since The Epic of Gilgamesh, in which the goddess Ishtar promises: I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld, I will smash the door posts, and leave the doors flat down, and will let the dead go up to eat the [...]