Shine On Harvest Moon

Former Board President Jack Lucas serenades former Union President Pat Andrews under a paper moon held by former Academic Senate President Vivian Lock.  Rummaging through the archives for potential posts has been interesting.

Occupy Saratoga


“SLO: The Gospel of Assessment” You want Student Learning Outcome documentation we’ve got Student Learning Outcome documentation! The initial goal of an effective art instructor is to determine the student’s interests.  A healthy rapport will likely develop as the student learns to more deliberately articulate his or her “voice” and experiences the satisfaction of a job well-done. [...]

Now Hear This

The video is of a computer generated oak tree produced in the fall 2011 Art 60a Digital Video Arts class. Student artists, Jumiah Johnston, Ben Wilcox, and Matthew Bennett. The sound tracks were each composed, performed and recorded by students in this spring’s Music 67a Music for Film,TV & Games class. Track 1:   Chris Blazek Track 2:   [...]

Stem to Steam


STEAM represents the economic progress and breakthrough innovation that comes from adding art and design to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and research: STEM + Art = STEAM. The value of art and design to innovation is clear: Artists and designers humanize technology, making it understandable and capable of bringing about societal change. [...]

Behind The Scenes


Have you ever wondered how in the world art, music and theater pull off high-caliber student productions in just one semester? Plus charge the public an admission fee! You must be curious, right? Right?