Why Gaskin Was Good
Ed.D administration types seem to really enjoy making proclamations of support for formal arts education. This is doubly so in affluent, cosmopolitan areas. Beyond the public affirmations though, most bureaucrats have a poor understanding of the value a high-caliber arts education affords. Gaskin, as a college administrator was unique in this regard. She saw beyond [...]
Waste Land Screening
Mother Earth Week in preview: The Global Citizenship Committee is screening the Academy Award nominated documentary “Waste Land“, Tuesday, April 24th, 6 pm, WVC Theater, $5 cover. Panel discussion to follow. Did you know that April 22nd is International Mother Earth Day? Heidi Breuckner’s design class (Art 33a) created garbage art to commemorate Earth Day. (If you’re [...]
Salzburg Global
Jochen Fried (right), director of the Universities Project of the Salzburg Seminar pictured here with West Valley College art historian and event co-host, Dr. Cynthia Reis. What is global education you ask? From Dr. Fried, “For some, it encapsulates the essence of a liberal arts education for the 21st century, for others it represents a sloppy use of [...]
Guest Post, Tim Kelly
The WVC Associated Students are sponsoring a series of Dr. Seuss related events including an exhibition of Seuss inspired student work. The exhibit will run from April 23rd through May 3rd. A reception is scheduled for Wednesday, May 2nd from 5-7 p.m. The show and reception will be held in the newly renovated Campus Center [...]
This Week in the Macabre
A spooky West Valley simultaneity? This week the Global Citizenship Committee, Anthropology’s Dr. Kindon, and the ASO have all expressed their appreciation for the unearthly and bizarre! (1) The Global Citizenship Committee is hosting Art Historian Paul Koudounaris on Wednesday, March 7th, 7 pm in lecture hall Fox 120. Dr. Koudounaris will present his [...]