Madame Pinet Calling


…”Met with the arts faculty yesterday for their department meeting. It’s a strong department, with wonderful links to the community. The gallery is fabulous. I told them about the great strength of your division, with what I consider an exemplary core of GE courses, outreach to high schools, foresight and innovation.”…

Paging Dr. LaFave


January 27th, 2012 Dear Dr. LaFave, We trust that you and Mr. Danielson are well. We miss your panache around here, philosophical and otherwise. Marking fallacious assumptions in Roman numerals during the HR-consultant-based-training-days just isn’t the same without you. This year’s fellow said something about valuing creativity.  Post presentation you could tell the arts instructors; [...]

Motorcycle Maintenance


A certain cross campus friend is fond of imagining some renegade Motorcycle Maintenance curricula. We should remind dear colleague that the shop-lifting instructor takes great personal offense to these inferences. And “he” reminds “us” that they can’t all be Jane Goodalls now, can they? Tag, Motorcycle Maintenance